
Templafy Talks - Be Proud to Present


As a Templafy customer, you already have your great content in Templafy that ensures users have brand consistency and aiding their creative productivity. 

But do you still see the following when your teams are presenting?

  • Buzzword Bingo – Empty phrases, generic sentences and interchangeable content without any real added value?
  • Supervised reading – Slides overcrowded with too much information and the audience just reads ahead?
  • Death by slides – Incomprehensible storylines somewhere between self-congratulation and a muddle of thoughts?

Yes? Then this Templafy Talks is for you and your PowerPoint presenters

For almost 20 years, Explain has been developing holistic presentation concepts for aspiring start-ups to international market leaders. 

The German based presentation agency creates live communication with a kick, emotional storytelling, modern design, applied branding, world-changing narratives, on-air or motion design. In addition, the agency supports speakers with the bundled knowledge from all these years in webinars, live trainings or coachings.

Everything you need for a impactful presentation.

Expected results? 

  • Create effective presentations with meaningful storylines
  • Drive better presentation skills leading to more winning deals and successful pitches
  • Happier, more confident presenters
  • Take your corporate communication to the next level



Judith Langer

Concept Designer & Trainer, Explain

John Tiniakos

Principal Customer Success Manager, Templafy